
Bringing ideas to Life; Edventure Week 5

Taking action and making decisions in week 5 of Edventure Frome’s Start-Up Repair Course written by student blogger Abigail (Abi’s blog)

Getting to work

Equipped with skills we have learnt in the first half of the course, this week we divided into smaller teams and dedicated our time to specific areas. Our roles included; branding and business concept, festival and communications, workshop and planning.

 The Workshop

Harry and Josh made steps towards transforming the workshop into a multi–use space. This involved getting to know the potential and limitations of the physical area and researching what equipment might be needed.
Thomas came to help out and surprised us by bringing us each a candleholder he had made from petrified wood. The candleholders looked great and their simple design made them easy to produce. This inspired me to think of the potential of our project. It would be amazing to see the space being used to make items such as these as way of teaching basic woodwork skills.candles

The Festival

Louis and Allen put their minds to visualising the Repair Festival which is due to launch our project in the last week of May. They led a brainstorming session with the group to find out what we would like to see at the event and reflected on our user research. They also began compiling a list of local people who might be interested in being involved with the set up or running of the festival. If this interests you please get in touch!

 The Business Concept and branding

I worked with Van on defining the direction of our project and came up with some initial brand names. We would love to hear your opinion on our shortlist – please leave a comment below.

Social Media

Andy Britnell, founder of Seeamanaboutblog came to talk to us about how social media can be used as a tool to grow public interest. We learnt about the various forms of social media from Facebook to GooglePlus and how we can use them to communicate with our target audience. Andy talked through ways of keeping professional and adding value, credibility and visibility to our project online.

Something to take away…

Andy’s check list for successful social media.

  • Content

What information do you want to share with your followers?

  • Platforms

Which platforms are you going to target? Which platforms are most popular with your target audience?

  • Target Market

Who is interested in your project? Who will your ideas affect?

  • Influencers and thought leaders

Who is already working in your area of expertise? What strategies do they use.

  • Supporters 

Who might support your project? Try to get yourself featured in blogs and magazines focused on your area of interest.

  • Media Type

Which form of media will most appeal to your target audience; text, image or video? or all three.