Edventure Strategic Planning November 2013
How shall we develop edventure: Frome as a sustainable and replicable social enterprise over the next 3 years?
VISION: What do we see in place 3 years from now?
- An inspiring demonstration of positive impact
- A BBC Documentary about ‘the way of edventure’
- Case Study : Leader in innovative methods
- A strong visible portfolio of case studies
- Landlords Inspired by use of space
- We can demonstrate the impact of edventure using an effective evaluation tool
- Statue of Johannes with kaboodles of money and a knighthood
- An array of success stories
- Meaningful livelihoods make thriving Frome
- The capacity built by edventure stays within Frome
- Young people are staying and setting up responsible business
- Network of offshoot enterprises
- ‘One planet’ edventure
- Frome is a hotbed for social enterprise
- Frome is a better place because of edventure
- Edventure is embedded, valued & influential in Frome
- Established and valued service provider in Frome
- Active, visible, respected group in Frome
- Advocates for edventure from a cross-section of Frome
- University of facilitation practice
- Linked into & valued by FCLP
- Diverse purposeful & fun youth culture
- Edventure is recognised as local, inclusive, diverse & accessible
- Bringing people together and creating opportunities
- We are holding a celebration for people involved with edventure (0-120 years)
- Have case studies of working with all the communities of Frome
- A well-resourced and sustainable business
- Well-resourced and thriving hub
- Strong supportive admin team
- 3-year core funding
- £100k in reserves and a full team of staff
- A thriving Welshmill community space
- Edventure is sponsored by Lord Sugar
- Seeds are taking root
- An apprentice has started another edventure
- A strong replicable brand
- Edventure umbrella body
- Clear vision & identity
- A magnet for young people
- Every young person in Frome knows edventure can help
- A raft of young people
- There is a waiting list
CONTRADICTIONS: What is blocking us from moving towards our vision?
- We have limited capacity to meet access requirements
- Restrictions on use of space
- Not inclusive – physical access, special needs
- We tend to overstretch ourselves
- Doing too much at once
- Concern & energy spread too wide
- Short-term activity compromises long-term vision
- Tension between being driven by demand vs. mission
- People don’t necessarily want/ seek diversity
- Limited packages limit accessibility
- We are not yet creating enough opportunities to unite people who are different
- We are not responding to demand of young people of Frome
- Suspicion of the new & different deters people from engaging
- Not able to communicate effectively
- People are threatened because they don’t understand
- Perception of exclusivity (hippy, alternative, middle class)
- Actively not valued or trusted by agencies
- Not enough advocates with influence
- Giving impression of being too alternative
- Being new/ threatening in an established community of service providers
- Unclear outcomes deter engagement
- Outcomes for edventure are unclear
- Difficult to communicate vision convincingly
- Misunderstanding of expectation by & of apprentices
- Difficulty of accessing long-term funding
- Unknown entity to young people (risk, justify on CV)
- We do not yet know our niche
- Not able to communicate edventure effectively
- We are start-up pioneers
- We are believing our own assumptions
- No tried & tested business model
- Experience, time, track record – build before collapse
- Unknown entity to other bodies (new, different)
- Edventure hasn’t flowered (yet)
- We have yet to find a way to measure impact
- Not able to communicate effectively
- Learning, income, social impact – tension
- How to measure impact?
- Difficulty measuring reach & impact
- Our background is not business
- Financial vulnerability
- Business expertise needed
- Misunderstanding of business needs
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS: What practical actions will deal with our underlying contradictions and move us toward our vision?
Creatively Pioneering and Demonstrating Social Impact
- Experiment
- Trial new support packages, record & evaluate
- Evidence
- Document learning as part of pioneering approach
- Seek input on creative tools to measure impact
- Build simple measurement into day to day procedure
- Strong social media coverage
- Use ‘Good Analyst’ framework to define & measure impact
- Create an impact portfolio
- Find out how others (similar) measure impact, e.g.: for funding
- Participants tell edventure’s story through their own experiences
Nurturing Supportive, Beneficial Networks and Partnerships
- Connect
- Join Frome community learning network
- Meet & talk to more local community groups
- Going out to meet people & build relationships in community (i.e.: join a group)
- Partner
- Partner with existing business learning places
- Link with established partner, i.e.: Princes Trust, UnLtd
- Be supported
- Seek similar examples to edventure
- Seek business support relationship
- Guidance from pioneering start-up for now & future
- Scheduled time for business planning with mentors
- Seek support from other pioneering organisations
- Seek out business expertise
Delivering Clear and Focussed Outcomes
- Relax
- Creative use of the truth to fundraise
- Clarify
- Design a partnership contract
- Clarify on needs requirements for apprentices
- Clear guidelines about services regularly updated & improved
- Write clear rules of engagement for users
- For each vision create a detailed account of what it would look like
- Understand and acknowledge access restrictions
- Agree our capacity to support individual needs
- Focus
- Narrow frame of intent
- Decide on criteria for taking on new projects
- Do less but better: prioritise, be patient