
Replicating Edventure – starting in Salisbury

We are very excited to announce the launch of  Edventure Salisbury, who, in partnership with Quench Salisbury,  will be running the first Edventure course outside Frome this October.

Applications open June 6th June for Salisbury’s pilot 10 week course for 18 – 35 year olds. A student team will be setting up a Community fridge. They will be working alongside the Pantry Partnership, a social enterprise transforming lives with food.

The Edventure model has been said to “suck the life back into towns”. When a team  of young adults set up a community enterprise, they form networks and connections which often lead to opportunity and employment locally. Having gained Start – Up experience and confidence, a young adult is more likely to find employment or start an enterprise, that contributes to the local economy.

We would like to see more small towns thriving. For this reason, we have been working towards replicating Edventure since soon after we began 6 years ago. During these 6 years we’ve tried out different models and have evolved what we offer to create a replicable blueprint. Johannes Moeller, the MD of Edventure Frome received the Un-ltd Grow-it Award to help finance the pilot program in Salisbury.

This is not the first time we have successfully shared our work. Student teams set up the first Share Shop & the first Community fridge in the UK and over 400 people across the world have downloaded ‘ How to guides’ for setting up their own.

Over the coming year we will run two 10 week Edventure courses in Salisbury and after this we will reflect on what we have  learned and explore the feasibility of a social franchise or other means of sharing our work.

If you might be interested in setting up an ‘Edventure’ in your town, please get in touch  and we will keep you in mind next year when we start thinking about where to go next.